Our commitment to achieving and maintaining the highest international Health, Safety, Security and the Environment (HSSE) standards is at the heart of our business and is a key differentiator for Mit a& Moc in Africa. We recognize that the Health, Safety and Environment of all our people at work is the responsibility of each and every individual associated with the company. Creating a safe and healthy work place for employees, contractors and the public and practising responsible stewardship of the environment in its activities are key priorities for us. We continuously work to improve our HSE performance through
Training and Safe Operations
Employees and contractor staff are trained on our HSE policy, standards and procedures. Compliance with our HSE policy, work procedures, relevant regulations and industry standards is a condition of employment. Risk Assessments of activities are conducted regularly and control measures instituted to eliminate or mitigate HSSE impact.
Incident Reporting and Investigation
To encourage employees to report unsafe conditions and practices, We have a “No Blame” approach to responding to accidents and near misses. Incidents are documented and investigated. Recommendations are made to help prevent a reoccurrence and lessons learned shared throughout the Company. The “No Blame” approach has ensured that there is a two-way communication between employees and management on health and safety issues.
Environmental protection and conservation are a fundamental part of our operations. We ensure that all new projects comply with the relevant standards and regulations. We also upgrade our existing facilities in compliance with the standards.